Part One: Introduction

1. Which of the following is typically not the responsibility of the operations function:

2. To cope with the complexity that comes with size, organizations tend to:

3. Typical inputs into an operations process are:

4. Which of the following would be classified as a support function within a hospital:

5. Services are:

6. Which of the following affects the size of the operations task:

7. Managing a cost centre in a business involves:

8. An example of information processing is:

9. Which of the following is not a key difference that affects the operations process within a business:

10. The nature of operations capacity when processing a customer:

11. Developing a strategy involves making decisions about:

12. Business-unit level strategy within an organization concerns:

13. The strategic role of executives concerns:

14. The marketing function typically has sole responsibility for:

15. A market-driven strategy is based on:

16. Discussion and agreement about current and future markets:

17. When developing strategy, it is important to realize that:

18. A typical area for review and improvement where price is a market order-winner would be:

19. An operations perspective on restricting the range of services and products offered by a business is that:

20. Delivery reliability is about:

21. The strategy-making group comprises:

22. An operations strategy would typically include investment in:

23. Price:

24. Delivery reliability:

25. With regard to the use of resources to reduce costs, the intent is day-to-day if:

26. When customers buy a service or product they are paying for:

27. Qualifiers are those competitive criteria that:

28. Order-winners and qualifiers are:

29. Understanding markets is the first step in developing a strategy. When undertaking this task executives should:

30. The role of price in a market can be an order- winner where:

31. The potential impact of Qualifiers:

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