1 All systems of writing represent sounds to some extent. A O1 O1 True R1 O2 False R2 See p.000. 2 The earliest known writing system was an abjad used for writing Sumerian. A O2 O1 True R1 The earliest known system of writing was Sumerian writing, but this was not an abjad. See p.000. O2 False R2 3 The Chinese writing system is pictographic, that is, each character directly represents an idea. A O2 O1 True R1 Read p.000 again. O2 False R2 4 Representing the English word ate by the numeral 8 illustrates which principle: A O5 O1 allographic R1 See p.000. O2 conventionality R2 See p.000. O3 determinism R3 See p.000. O4 novel name-new category R4 See p.000. O5 rebus R5 5 In which type of writing system do the graphic forms ideally represents words and morphemes? A O1 O1 logographic R1 O2 syllabary R2 See p.000. O3 alphabet R3 See p.000. O4 abjad R4 See p.000. 6 In the Hangul alphabet letters represent to some extent the articulatory features of the consonants of Korean. A O1 O1 True R1 O2 False R2 Read p.000 again. 7 Which of the following is not an allograph of h in the Latin alphabet? A O2 O1 H R1 Check your understanding of allograph (p.000) and allophone (p.000). O2 n R2 O3 R3 Check your understanding of allograph (p.000) and allophone (p.000). O4 R4 Check your understanding of allograph (p.000) and allophone (p.000). O5 h R5 Check your understanding of allograph (p.000) and allophone (p.000). 8 A number of letters in the Phoenician abjad have their origins in Egyptian hieroglyphs. A O1 O1 True R1 O2 False R2 See p.000. 9 The English writing system is so bad that there is nothing whatever to recommend it. A O2 O1 True R1 No, there are at least some points in its favour. See p.000. O2 False R2 10 One factor contributing to the standardization of English spelling was the advent of the printing press. A O1 O1 True R1 O2 False R2 See p.000. 11 If a word is spelled in such a way as to suggest that it is a borrowing from a particular language this is called: A O4 O1 irregular spelling R1 See p.000. O2 non-standardized spelling R2 See p.000. O3 phonemic spelling R3 See p.000. O4 etymological spelling R4 O5 folk etymology R5 See p.000. O6 none of the above R6 See p.000. 12 The writing system for Modern English (the variety of English spoken today) is closer to the alphabetic ideal than the writing system of Old English. A O2 O1 True R1 It is not: see p.000. O2 False R2 13 Writing the past participle of verbs consistently with a {d} regardless of whether the actual phonemic realization is with /d/ or /t/ is an example of which of the following? A O3 O1 a syllabic tendency R1 See p.000. O2 a tendency to abjad representation R2 See p.000. O3 a logographic tendency R3 O4 a tendency towards phonemic representation R4 See p.000. O5 none of the above R5 See p.000. 14 Noah Webster's reforms to English spelling resulted in a more regular orthography for American English than the system of British spelling, one which is closer to the alphabetic ideal. A O2 O1 True R1 No, the successful changes did not result in a system that better reflects the phonemic form of most words. See p.000. O2 False R2 15 Hindi uses a Devanagari writing system whilst Urdu uses an abjad. This is an illustration of which of the following phenomena? A O4 O1 diglossia R1 See p.000. O2 successful spelling reform R2 See p.000. O3 unsuccessful spelling reform R3 See p.000. O4 digraphia R4 16 Which of the following is not a feature of writing that distinguishes it from speech? A O2 O1 greater persistence, i.e. slow rate of fade R1 See p.000. O2 infrequent use of nominalizations R2 O3 relatively slow and planned production and rapid comprehension R3 See p.000. O4 slow rate of system change R4 See p.000. O5 high lexical density R5 See p.000. 17 It seems likely that writing on the medium of paper will soon be entirely superceded by writing in the electronic medium. A O2 O1 True R1 See p.000. O2 False R2 18 Abbreviations, non-standard spellings, acronyms, and logograms are highly frequent in text messaging, and are peculiar to this type of language use. A O2 O1 True R1 See p.000 O2 False R2 19 Text messaging show some features that make them resemble spoken language and some that are unlike characteristics of speech. A O1 O1 True R1 O2 False R2 See p.000. 20 Writing on the internet has resulted in significant changes to both the lexicon and grammar of English. A O2 O1 True R1 It has resulted in a considerable amount of lexical change, but little grammatical change. See p.000. O2 False R2 21 There are relatively few features that are common to all types of writing on electronic media and serve to distinguish writing in this medium from writing on paper. A O1 O1 True R1 O2 False R2 See p.000. 22 The technology of electronic media has consequences on the style of interaction between reader and writer, making it different to that between a speaker and hearer in an ordinary conversation. A O1 O1 True R1 O2 False R2 See p.000. 23 Like spoken language, written language has a symbolic value relating to the expression of the user's identity. A O1 O1 True R1 O2 False R2 See p.000.