- Our team's really made up of five disciplines. We've got marketing strategy, CRM strategy, social media strategy, user experience, and analytics. At a lot of other agencies, a lot of these specializations don't exist, or there might be sort of the one-person that the team goes to, to try to figure some of these things out. So, bringing this team together, really helps us collaborate with the other crafts at Klick, to make sure every program we put in place is part of the connected system, that's all focused on achieving the client's objectives. - The way that I described Klick, is a place where you can truly exercise an entrepreneurial spirit, in order to try and solve problems and make an impact on the world. - Every day you're working with a new business challenge. There's never a feeling of someone bossing you around, or micromanaging you. - I get to come into work, and I get to work with scientists and creative people all with the same goal of trying to improve the human condition. It's a lot of fun, and I get to go home at the end of the day feeling like I did something that made a difference. - I think the most successful people at Klick, have sort of three characteristics. One, they bring lots of curiosity to what they do, and they're constantly thinking of ways to do things in a new way. I think number two, they're really collaborative. What we do isn't a solo sport, it takes a village to create the work that we do for our clients. And being able to work together and enjoying that work is really, really successful. I think the third thing is people that lean in. So, they're accountable, they get their hands dirty, they want to be in the work and own the results of what they're trying to produce. And that sort of collaborative, energized, and accountable team does amazing work. - It is a challenging environment, certainly, very regulated, but I think that's what makes the challenge even more interesting, is that you really have to think ahead of the game. - I think if you bring a healthcare background to Klick, you bring something special. But I think that it's also really great when we bring people who don't have a healthcare background, because we never underestimate the value of a different perspective. - I wanted to break out of my comfort zone. I wanted to learn, I wanted to grow, I wanted to do things that I had not yet done in my career. - There's a tremendous opportunity in pharmaceutical marketing now, to use data in ways that we've never used it before. For us, that means new ways of targeting our clients customers, new technologies, and techniques we can use to be able to make sure we're getting the right messages to the right people at the right time. And ways to make sure that we're able to measure the impact of the marketing efforts that we put on our clients. We're really trying to focus on making sure everything we put in market, delivers the right value. With Klick's continued growth, and our entrepreneurial culture, there's always lots of opportunities for everybody that joins the Klick team. - Because we grow so quickly, and because we're so open to people exploring opportunities, exploring things that excite them, I've been able to move through different roles throughout my time here, into something I don't didn't ever imagine was even possible, even in the realm of possibility. - Once you walk through the doors, you really feel that energy. It really is what you hear and what you see.