- Corporate Ventures is a new area for the company and it's focused on looking for disruptive ideas that we can incubate and expedite commercialization of that venture. - There truly is something different here in terms of the people and the connection we feel with each other and the collaboration. - We are all really experienced people in the company and we're bringing something unique, but the combination of all that is unique and different and I think we allow each other to think differently, to bring different elements to the table and create something quite magical actually in this industry. - You really get to build deeper relationships with everyone here at Klick and that's why I'm so happy to be here and happy to work with the teams that I'm supporting. - What healthcare is, is about changing people's lives. I think that as long as you're curious and you like to learn and you can start to see what is common and what is more unique so that you can really find what the issues are in each disease state so you can really change position in patients' lives. - Healthcare allows me to actually have an impact and I can see things that I've worked on directly or indirectly in field, in market and know that it'll make a difference for someone down the line as a patient or caregiver. - When you come to Klick and you take on a role, your career path is only limited by your personal passion and your willingness to kind of dig in and learn. - It's an entrepreneurial culture so things are changing all the time and you can drive that change. I love that and I just love the people. - Everybody here, to the individual is kind and a good hearted individual at the core and that makes me wanna come in and work with them. - I feel like I am making a difference and I get to come into work and I get to work with scientists and creative people, all with the same goal of trying to improve the human condition. It's a lot of fun and I get to go home at the end of the day feeling like I did something that made a difference.