- On my third day, I was talking to a colleague who's with Sensei Labs and he said to me that at Klick it's a little bit like being on the island of misfit toys. If you're here and you're comfortable, you know you found your people. - It's like that experience, if you're in college or going to a campus and saying, yeah, there's a magnetic force I'm meant to be here. - Okay, looking with full sincerity, it feels like home. - Show up as weird and as wacky as you are each day and just kill it. - The way that Klick is structured is we have what's called CST or client success teams and the enabling team support all of those teams. - If you just focus on doing great work for your client, everything else falls away and we can do that. We can really just focus on our clients. We can focus on our colleagues. We can focus on our own self-development, which are all interlinked, and that is really special. - And the way that I describe Klick is a marketplace, a place where you can truly exercise and entrepreneurial spirit in order to try and solve problems and make an impact on that. - So, at Klick, it is all about collaboration, whether you're in our Toronto office or Philly or New York or Chicago or wherever you truly feel like you're 100% part and parcel to the organization. - Everyone is open to hearing your ideas. They're open to hearing your recommendations. - So, I'd like to ask and bounce ideas off everyone. And I feel like I'm growing here. But professionally, I feel it's limitless. It's sort of like, really up to you - The word that pops in my head when I think of Klick is awesome and then everything that they do, and how they operate, and how they treat Klicksters. There's a lot of TLC, a lot of tender love and care in the Klick approach. - The difference at Klick is really that drive to go beyond, learning new things, trying new things, accepting that it's not always gonna work, but it's always gonna be worthwhile to try. At Klick we hire ahead of the curve, meaning we are hiring and training and onboarding and immersing teams into our culture before we win the work for you to be assigned to. The sky truly is the limit in terms of what you have, the choice to work on different therapeutic categories. And even as you're looking at your own personal craft, you know how you continue to expand it and grow it. And it really is limitless.